“Kung Fu Panda” is the story of a fat
(is there any other kind?) panda that dreams about being an awesome kung
fu warrior, and when given the chance, rises to the occasion.
In-between those moments, we get plenty of fat jokes at the panda’s
expense, and enough cartoon kung fu violence to, possibly, convince
parents this may not be the right movie to be taking your very
impressionable kids. Especially if said kids have a bad habit of using
little sis as a punching dummy to try out his new “moves”.
above said, Dreamworks’ “Kung Fu Panda” is a fun little movie, although
“little” may be a bit of an exaggeration. Take a look at the voice
cast: Jack Black as Po the panda, Angelina Jolie as Tigress, Jackie Chan
as Monkey, Dustin Hoffman as Shifu, and of course, the always
incredible Ian McShane (of Deadwood fame) as the villainous Tai Lung.
Which reminds me: I was never really sure why Tai Lung was supposed to
be such a villain; as far as I can tell, his only qualification for the
mantle is that he’s really good at kung fu, and he really, really wants
that kung fu scroll that, when read, will endow the reader with
incredible kung fu mastery. But to hear the movie talk about him, you
would think the guy went around eating babies or some such.
But I digress.